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This Beach Two Hours From Halifax Looks Tropical But The Water’s Temperature Says Otherwise

Carter’s Beach photo credit, Instagram: (right) Sup Monkey Cycle @supmonkeyca
(left) Patricia Auchnie @902207east

Nova Scotia has a lot of destinations and attractions that are world class and compare to international tourist hot spots.

Take Carters Beach in Queens County for instance. This Nova Scotia oasis has white sandy beaches and turquoise waters that resemble Caribbean countries in every way except the water temperature!

Nova Scotia’s coastline is full of beaches, but this one is a gem in the province. It’s made up of three crescent beach areas. On a summer day, don’t be turned off by a full small parking area. The beach is often empty or simply has a few people on it.

Carters Beach is a popular destination for Instagramers and people who are looking for that awesome summer beach photo. As you can see from the posts, it’s a piece of the Caribbean, just closer to home. We stress again, the waters are very cool.

This jewel can be found just a short distance off Highway 103 in the community of Port Mouton. There are great Bed & Breakfasts, Inn’s and Airbnb’s in the area you can stay at if you’re looking for a staycation in Nova Scotia.

If you’re looking for other world class destinations in our beautiful province, check out our article Nova Scotia -vs- The World!

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