Nova Scotia Summerfest is currently touring our great province bringing free kitchen parties to town’s and communities across the region. Keep reading for the dates and locations. The show we’re looking forward to the most is in Downtown Halifax’s historic Grand Parade.
The Nova Scotia Summerfest Kitchen Party Tour will also be making stops on the Lunenburg waterfront to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Bluenose.
Maritime kitchen party music with amazing musicians is enough reason to attend. What makes it even more enticing is it’s free, so get in line early. Gates open at 6:30pm and the party begins at 7:30pm in most locations. In Halifax the show begins at 7:00pm.
The musical collaboration is between eight musicians The lineup features Anna Ludlow (fiddle/vocals), Ray Mattie (guitar/vocals), Decota McNamara (mandolin/vocals), Cassie MacDonald (fiddle/vocals), Maggie MacDonald (piano/guitar/vocals), John Chiasson (bass), Pete Davison (electric guitar/vocals) and Scott Ferguson (drums).
The Kitchen Party set will include original songs from the artists, pay homage to Maritime artists, roots instrumentals and more.
The concert venues are limited to 250 people per public health guidelines. For complete details on the tour, visit the Nova Scotia Summerfest Kitchen Party Tour website.
Kitchen Party Tour Dates
Tuesday, August 17th – Inverness County Centre for the Arts, Inverness
Wednesday, August 18th – Columbus Field, Downtown Antigonish
Thursday, August 19th – Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg
Friday, August 20th – Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg
Saturday, August 21st – Parade Square, Downtown Halifax
You will be asked COVID screening questions at the gate. Public Health Guidelines will be followed which may include masking, social distancing and other measures.